Hello all!

This is the last mailout of 2013 and hope the year has been good to you all!

For the final serving on my shop for the year, I have designed, hand carved and printed 45 lino prints titled 'Audiovisuowl'.

This print measures approximately A4 size and is printed using black water based ink on heavyweight white printing paper. Lino printing is a method where a piece of linoleum is carved with a tool then inked with a roller and printed applying pressure to the paper once applied to the lino. A few people have asked me 'lino?', so sorry to bore you with that! The prints were made in my studio using my brain and hands and come fresh from the desk, wrapped in tissue paper. Each of the 45 prints are signed, titled, dated and numbered. The prints will be on the shop front and the print sections.

Thanks for your support and custom over the last 12 months and I hope to start a monthly run of lino prints in the new year, so be sure to keep an eye on your mailbox. If you are a twitter user you can follow me for updates on the shop and the general guff that I waffle on about on an almost constant basis @themonsterist

Too early to wish you a happy festivity? I'm going to anyway, so have a wonderful holiday with the ones that you love and don't over do it on the cheese and sherry. Lessons learnt!
